Edit product or Service

Making changes to respond to various needs is important in managing your beekeeping operation. You are able to make changes to any product and service you have listed in BeeKeepPal. To edit its information details, move your mouse counter to the actions icon area on the left hand side end of the row containing your product or service of interest. Click on the pen icon. You get a pop-up display telling you that you are editing the selected product or service. It is titled Edit Product [name of product or service]. Make changes as you deem necessary. When you are finished entering the new information details, click on the Save Changes button at the bottom right area of the Edit Product pop-up display. You receive a message in a green pop-up at the bottom of the display screen informing you if you are successful in editing the service or product. If you have got to the Edit Product pop-up and wish to abort the process, click on the Cancel button on the bottom right corner of the pop-up or click on the X close button at the top right corner of the popup display.