Apiary Dashboard Sidebar Menu

The BeeKeepPal Apiary dashboard has a Sidebar Menu on the left hand side. It features the BeeKeepPal logo, name and description at its upper end.

Under the logo and name is a profile summary containing your profile picture and a message welcoming you to BeeKeepPal, and the name of your beekeeping company as you entered it into the software.

This Sidebar Menu has various sections for managing your apiary, inputting data and reading reports and other output from the BeeKeepPal apiary management software. Sections included in the menu are; Dashboard, Library, Schedule, Apiaries, Beehives, Inspections, Equipment Inventory, Company, Production and Financials.

All sections in the Sidebar Menu have sub-sections. Access the sub-sections by clicking on the Icon, Name or + sign of the respective main section. E.g. under Beehives section, you will find ‘View Beehives, Add Beehive, Record Revenue’ etc. as sub-sections.

Expanding one section to view its sub-sections in the Sidebar Menu closes all other previously expanded sections. This allows for only one section of the BeeKeepPal Apiary Dashboard Sidebar Menu to be expanded/open at a time.

The active sub-section you are viewing in the main display area of BeeKeepPal has a colored dot next to its name. This dot is on the left hand side of the sub-section’s name. It takes on the color selected in your Skins settings from the apiary dashboard top right menu.

The bottom end of the menu has links to the BeeKeepPal Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. It ends with a copyright message from BeeKeepPal.

On the extreme left edge of the Sidebar Menu is a scroll bar. Use it to see all Sidebar Menu sections and sub-sections.