

This is the calendar section of BeeKeepPal. Its main function is to provide you with a means of planning work tasks, activities and events in your beekeeping operation. When you have workers in your beekeeping operation and have added them to...

View Calendar

Viewing your calendar is the first sub-section in the Schedule section. It displays a page in the main display area with two (2) panels. The first panel at the top of the page is titled Task Calendar on the left. It has an Add Task button on...

Edit a Task

Editing tasks that are in your calendar schedule is possible in BeeKeepPal. To do this, follow one of these three (3) routes; Schedule>View Calendar>Click on Task> Edit Task Details Schedule>View Task List> click on...

View Task List

This is the sub-section of the BeeKeepPal scheduler where you view all your tasks in a list. The upper part of the display area is titled Task List. On its right hand corner is a button to add a task. A second panel titled Scheduled Tasks...

Add Task

Add a task to your schedule by clicking on this sub-section. It opens a page titled Add Task to Schedule. Various fields are on the page. They are input fields through which you enter data to create a new task. Start filling the input...