View Task List

This is the sub-section of the BeeKeepPal scheduler where you view all your tasks in a list. The upper part of the display area is titled Task List. On its right hand corner is a button to add a task.

A second panel titled Scheduled Tasks contains a search box and a listing of tasks you have added to your BeeKeepPal calendar. Using the search box, you are able to search for a task by name, or by activity that you intended to be done in the task…

Tasks are listed in chronological order, with the older tasks at the bottom of the list. Each listed task has a checkbox, a name, the beehive it is associated with, its assigned person(s), a start date, and end date and action buttons. The action buttons are; View Task Summary, Edit Task and Delete Task. View Task Summary action is represented by an eye icon, Edit Task is represented by a pen icon and the Delete Task action is represented by a dustbin icon. Place your mouse pointer over any of the icons to call up text explaining the icon.

Completed tasks have clear text, and their checkboxes are clear. Completed tasks have their text crossed out with a single line, and their checkboxes are filled with pink color and a tick mark. Differentiating between a pending task and a completed task is therefore very easy. Feel free to view the default 20 tasks at a time in the View Tasks sub-section. You may also go to the bottom left end of the tasks list panel and increase or decrease the number of entries shown at a time. Available options are viewing 30 tasks or 40tasks per page. Additionally, you can navigate to other pages when the number of tasks is large and has caused listing the tasks to take up more than one page.

View the summary of any task by clicking on the eye icon. A click on the eye icon causes a pop-up panel to come up. It is titled Task Summary. The pop-up has details of the task including its title, assigned person(s), equipment, Start and End dates, beehive linked with the task and additional details of the task. If the task is completed, a checkbox in the lower left side of the panel is filled with pink color and checked with a tick mark. On the bottom right area of the panel, you have an Edit Task Details button. It takes you to a page where you can edit the details of the selected task. On the bottom right corner of the Task Summary popup is a Close button. Click on it to close the popup panel. You may also close the Task Summary pop-up panel by clicking on the X close button on the top right corner of the panel.

Clicking on the Edit Task action button in the Task List sub-section in the tasks Schedule section calls a pop-up panel titled Edit Task. In the panel are details about the task in input fields. You can edit these fields and change details about the selected task. When you are satisfied with the edits you have made, save the changes by clicking on the Save Changes button in the bottom right area of the pop-up panel. Once the changes are saved, you will see a green pop-up notification telling you that the task has been updated successfully. Close the Edit Task pop-up panel by clicking on the Cancel button in the bottom right corner, or clicking on the X close button on the panel’s top right corner.

In the time you are in the View Task List sub-section, click on the Delete Task Action icon to remove a task from the list of tasks. This is the action represented by a dustbin icon. Clicking on it calls up a pop-up panel titled Remove Task. In the panel, there is text asking you if you are sure you want to remove the selected task. Be careful with this action because it cannot be undone. If you are sure that you want to remove the selected task from your list of tasks, click on the Yes button in the bottom right area of the popup panel. The task is removed from the list, and the pop-up panel disappears. You then get a green pop-up notification at the bottom of your display screen informing you that the task has been removed successfully. If you are not sure and wish to go back to the list of tasks, click on the Cancel button on the bottom right corner of the pop-up panel, or click on the X close button in the top right corner of the panel.

When viewing the Task Summary of any task and you click on the Edit Task Details button, you are taken to a page where you can edit the details of the selected task. On this Edit Task page, you have information entry fields. Edit them to your satisfaction. To save changes, click on the Save Changes button in the bottom left corner of the display panel. On this page, you have the option of deleting the task. Click on the dustbin icon in the top right corner of the display panel in the Edit Task page to delete the task. A pop-up titled Remove Task is called up. Click on the Yes button to delete the selected task. The pop-up disappears and you get a green notification pop-up informing you that the task was deleted successfully. If you do not want to delete the task, click on the Cancel button in the bottom right corner of the Remove Task popup. You may also close the Remove Task pop-up without deleting the task by clicking on the X close button in the top right corner of the Remove Task pop-up.