Delete Supplier

Remove suppliers that you will not work with again from your account records. It makes searching for relevant suppliers easy and fast. To remove a supplier, view the supplier record listed on the Company Suppliers list display page or search results page. On the right end of the row holding your supplier’s name and other information, click on the dustbin Delete Supplier icon. It brings up a pop-up display asking you whether you are sure to delete the selected supplier. The pop-up is titled Remove Supplier. If you are sure about deleting the supplier, click on the Yes button in the bottom right area of the pop-up. You shortly get a green confirmation pop-up at the bottom of your display screen if you are successful. If you would like to stop without deleting the supplier, click on the Cancel button at the bottom right corner of the Remove Supplier pop-up display. You may also stop the process by clicking on the X close button at the top right area of the Remove Supplier pop-up display.