Achieving High Yields: How to Get Bees to Make More Honey

How to Get Bees to Make More Honey
Honeybees on a frame.

Table of Contents

Beekeepers are constantly seeking ways to increase honey production. Honey is a valuable product of beekeeping, and maximizing yields is essential for a successful and rewarding harvest. By implementing specific practices, beekeepers can encourage honey production and achieve high yields. This article discusses effective methods for increasing honey yields and ensuring successful harvests. From proper colony management to honey harvesting tips, beekeepers can optimize their beekeeping practices to enhance honey production.

Proper Management for High Yields of Honey

Achieving high honey yields involves proper honeybee colony management. A colony with a large adult bee population is essential for high honey production. Honey yields can vary based on beekeeping practices, bee species, and colony strength. It’s important to create the optimal conditions for the colony to thrive and dedicate its time to honey production. Implementing the following methods can significantly boost honey yields:

1. Ensure a Safe Environment

Minimizing disturbances and providing a distraction-free environment for beehives is crucial for uninterrupted bee activity. This allows bees to focus on honey production, and a healthy honeybee colony can store honey more efficiently and in greater quantities.

2. Ensure a Strong Population

The population of a honeybee colony plays a significant role in honey production. A greater number of foraging bees leads to increased honey production. It’s crucial to leave sufficient honey for the bees, especially during colder periods when foraging is limited.

3. Treat for Pests, Parasites, and Diseases

Regular inspections and early detection of pest, parasite, or disease problems are crucial for maintaining high honey yields. Protecting the health of the colony is vital for optimal honey production.

4. Keep out Predators

Ensuring the security of beehives is essential, as predators can negatively impact honey production. Implementing measures such as secure fencing and enhanced hive security can prevent animals and insects from entering the beehives.

5. Use Frames with Drawn Comb

Accelerating the time-consuming process of comb drawing by using frames with already drawn comb in honey super boxes allows bees to focus solely on storing honey and capping the frames.

6. Increase Beehive Space

Providing honeybees with more space than they need can encourage honey production, but finding a balance to avoid compromising hive security is essential.

7. Plant Bee-Friendly Flowers

Planting bee-friendly flowers near beehives provides bees with the necessary resources to produce high-quality honey.

Tips for Honey Harvesting

A successful honey harvest is the culmination of effective beekeeping practices. Here are some tips for a successful honey harvest:

1. Removing the Frames

Harvesting honey involves the careful removal of frames from the super boxes without damaging the comb.

2. Uncapping the Honeycells

Using uncapping tools to remove the wax coverings from the honeycells to expose the honey for extraction.

3. Preserving the Honeycomb

Preserving the honeycomb is essential for long-term honey production. Minimizing damage and ensuring firm attachment of the comb facilitates future honey production.

4. Pay Attention to the Queen

The presence of a healthy and productive queen is essential for successful honey production.

5. Feed the Bees when Necessary

Feeding bees with pollen and sugar syrup can boost honey production during periods when food resources are scarce.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. How can beekeepers encourage high honey yields?

Beekeepers can encourage high honey yields by providing a safe environment, maintaining a strong population, treating for pests and diseases, keeping out predators, using frames with drawn comb, increasing beehive space, and planting bee-friendly flowers.

2. What are the key factors that influence honey production?

Key factors influencing honey production include colony strength, foraging behavior, environmental conditions, floral resources, and the presence of pests and diseases.

3. How can beekeepers preserve the quality of harvested honey?

Beekeepers can preserve the quality of harvested honey by ensuring proper uncapping techniques, maintaining cleanliness during extraction, and storing honey in suitable containers away from contaminants.


Implementing effective strategies for beekeeping, from proper colony management to honey harvesting techniques, is essential for maximizing honey yields. By ensuring a safe environment, maintaining a strong population, treating pests and diseases, keeping out predators, using frames with drawn comb, providing ample beehive space, planting bee-friendly flowers, and following effective honey harvesting practices, beekeepers can achieve high honey yields. These strategies will result in a rewarding harvest and a thriving apiary. With these methods, beekeepers can optimize their beekeeping practices and foster a flourishing honey production.


  1. Joseph

    June 7, 2019

    Is June to early to harvest honey in South Louisiana?

    1. Michael Simmonds

      Post author June 10, 2019

      Hello, I’m not exactly sure what the weather is like in South Louisiana this time of year but I would advise waiting until early fall.

      1. Joseph

        June 10, 2019

        Would like your opinion on this-I have boxes(5stack high) that have a lot of bees out front-I took an empty box and set it right next to one of the boxes and all the bees that was in front went into the empty box and filled it up with honey-don’t know what to make of this?????

        1. Michael Simmonds

          Post author June 10, 2019

          It appears the colony has gotten too large and so has begun swarming to find a new home. I would suggest getting a new beehive altogether to house them.

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